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  • Description


Epilogue  I  후기 


I feel both pleased and thankful.    행복하고 감사합니다.


Reminiscing of when I wrote ‘Mind Letters from the Teachings of Sotaesan’ I was filled with grace and gratitude. It was helpful for my mind practice, and I feel both pleased and thankful that I am able to share the mind and teachings of Master Sotaesan with the world.

I wrote this book for people who are unfamiliar with ‘Sotaesan.’

This book was posted on the ‘Sotaesan Mind school’ App(Application). There were about 400 volumes written in this book and I selected 100 volumes among them.

Thank you so much to everyone who has read this work using the app.


Won Buddhism emerged in early twentieth-century Korea after a long period of anti-Buddhist repression. It is a syncretic tradition, a form of Buddhism strongly influenced by the Chŏson dynasty's Neo-Confucian ethical heritage and by Daoism. Seeking to deliver sentient beings from suffering and to create a just and ethical world, Won Buddhism stresses practical application of the dharma and service. It offers a vision of people as one family, morally perfected.


This book provides the first English translations of the writings of Chŏngsan (1900–62), the second dharma master of Won Buddhism, who codified the new religion's central doctrines. The translations here include Chŏngsan's discussion of Buddha-nature, described as a mind-seal and symbolized by the Irwŏnsang (a unitary circle); his synthesis of Confucian moral and political programs with Buddhist notions of emancipation from birth and death; and his expositions on realizing the ideal of all people as one family.


돌아보니 ‘소태산 마음편지’를 쓰는 시간은 은혜롭고 감사했습니다. 저의 마음공부에도 도움이 되고 소태산 스승님의 마음과 뜻을 세상에 알릴 수 있어 행복하고 감사했습니다.

아직 ‘소태산’을 모르고 낯설어 하는 분들을 위한 글을 쓰고자 했습니다.

이 책은 ‘소태산 마음학교’ 앱(어플리케이션)에 실렸던 글입니다. 5-6년 동안 400여 편의 글이 쌓였는데 그 가운데서 100편만 추려서 엮었습니다.

그동안 앱을 통해 소중하게 읽어주신 분들께 감사합니다.




  • Contents



사람 A Human


작지 않은 14 / Not small 15
차 한 잔 하고 싶은 사람 16 / A person you feel like having a cup of tea with 17
엄마 김치 18 / Mom’s Kimchi 19
사람, 사랑 20 / Person, Love 21
느티나무 어른 22 / A mature Zelkova tree 23
믿을만한 나 24 / The trustworthy self 25
열리지 않는 병뚜껑 26 / A bottle-top opening 27
작은 샘물처럼 28 / Like a small spring 29
사과를 세지 마세요 30 / Do not count apples 31
아름다움 32 / Beauty 33



은혜와 감사 Grace and Gratitude


가원의 감사일기 36 / Gawon’s gratitude diary 37
더 늦기 전에 38 / Before it is too late 39
어느 콩나물이든 40 / Any bean-sprout 41
미소 짓지 않아도 되는데 42 / Not have to smile 43
감사할 수 있어서 44 / Being able to be grateful 45
숟가락 얹기 46 / Putting one’s spoon on a set table 47
바나나우유 48 / Banana milk 49
아멘! 감사합니다! 50 / Amen! Thank you! 51
즐거운 빚쟁이 52 / A grateful debtor 53
알까요? 54 / Does she know? 55
한 마리 독사도 56 / Even a viper 57
아픈 길 58 / A hurtful road 59
되어가는 중 60 / On the way to becoming 61
옥에 티 62 / A flaw in a jade 63
문 밖에서 서성이는 은혜 64 / Grace waiting outside of the door 65
아, 은혜! 66 / Oh, Grace! 67
두 개의 눈 68 / Two eyes 69
은恩 70 / Grace 恩 701
엄청난 선물 앞에서 72 / Standing before a great present 73
이런 유언遺言 74 / My last wish 75



마음 Mind


빙산도 녹는데 78 / Even the glaciers melt 77
창살에 갇힌 얼음 80 / Ice trapped in bars 81
마음에 든다 82 / When I like something 83
마음을 담아야 84 / With my mind 85
마음이 답 86 / Mind is the answer 87
보이지 않던 것 88 / Things unseen 89
설거지 90 / Doing dishes 91
힘을 빼세요 92 / Relax 93
휴전선 94 / Ceasefire line 95
쑥스러운 유무념 96 / Shy mindfulness practice 97
내 마음공부 98 / My mind practice 99
마음이 곧 부처 102 / Mind is the Buddha 103



1분 선 一 One-minute meditation 禪


1분의 편안함 106 / Just a minute of comfort 107
반딧불이 108 / A firefly 109
젖은 빨래처럼 110 / Like wet laundry 111
깊고 부드러운 숨 112 / Deep and soft breath 113
신호등 앞에서 114 / Waiting at the traffic light 115
저 벌레, 어디서 온거야? 116 / That bug, where did it come from? 117
그 이유 118 / That reason 119
쓰고 제자리 120 / Use and return 121
가장 먼 곳 122 / The farthest place 123
즉답이 아니라 124 / No immediate answer 125
잠시 죽음 126 / A momentary death 127
그 때 128 / That time 129



온·생·취 온전한 생각으로 취사하기 Choice in action with sound thought


고스란하다 132 / Just as it is 133
고요함 134 / Stillness 135
가만히 보니 136 / Upon looking closely 137
케이크 한 쪽 138 / A piece of cake 139
끌림과 온전함 140 / Attraction and soundness 141
걱정거리 앞에서 142 / Before worries 143
취사선택 146 / Choice in action 145
좋다 싫다 148 / Like and dislike 147
화 150 / Anger 151
온전한 생각으로 취사하기 152 / Choice in action with sound thought 153



사이좋은·恩 In good relationship


당신과 나 사이에 156 / Between you and me 157
사이좋은·恩 158 / In good relationship 159
서로 기대기 160 / Leaning on each other 161
깊어지고 있는지 162 / I am deepening 163
가만히 있어도 164 / Even while being still 165
싫어하는 이유 166 / Why I hate 167
모든 일의 끝 168 / End of all work 169
마음 등불 170 / Mind lamp 171
다른 것도 은혜 172 / Being different is grace, too 173
따 174 / Estrangement 175
사이좋은 남과 북 176 / North and South on good terms 177
은恩 180 / Grace 181



은·하·수 은혜로운 하루 수행 Grateful daily practice


혼란 184 / Ordinary 185
깨어나기 186 / Waking up 187
온 세상과 아침 인사 188 / Morning greetings to the whole world 189
출근하기 전에 190 / Before going to work 191
무엇을 잡을 것인가 192 / What to catch 193
오늘을 산다 194 / I live today 195
은혜 속으로 196 / Into the grace 197
혹시 빠뜨린 것 198 / Something missing 199
단순한 하루 200 / A simple day 201
잠자기와 인과의 이치 202 / Sleeping and the Principle of Cause and Effect 203
열반 연습 206 / Practicing Nirvana 207
이 세상이 나의 수행도량임을 선언하노라 208 / I declare this world as my place of practice 209



소태산 Sotaesan


스승 찾기 214 / Finding a master 215
소태산으로 216 / To Sotaesan! 217
초등학생처럼 218 / Like an elementary school student 219
구세주가 없다니? 220 / No external savior? 221
교황님 뵙기 하루 전 222 / The day before meeting Pope 223
소태산을 생각하라 224 / Think of Sotaesan 225
소태산의 제자 226 / Sotaesan’s disciple 227
도덕이 사라진다 228 / Morality is disappearing 229
참 문명 세계로 230 / To a truly civilized world 231
소태산少太山 232 / Sotaesan 233
보물 상자 234 / Treasure box 235
소태산 대종사님, 감사합니다 236 / Master Sotaesan, Thank you 237


소태산 마음편지 (Mind Letters from the Thachings of Sotaesan)

SKU: WEB-126
  • Author

    Rev. Jeongpoong Chooi

  • Translator

    Rev. Sanghyeon Jeon, Rev. Grace Song, Rev. Jisun Lee, Kimin Jeong, Patricia Fechet, Douglas Conkling(원신행), and J. Oh Sung

  • About the Author

    Rev. Choi, Jeongpoong graduated from Department of Won Buddhism at Wonkwang University and has been serving as a minister since 1990 (Won Buddhist Year 109). He majored in Education for his master's degree at Chung-Ang University. Rev. Choi has held various positions including minister at Jeongok temple, director of Eunhae Village, a senior nursing home, director of the Yeoncheon County Youth Support Center, director of the Won Buddhism Policy Research Institute, executive director of the Daejeon and South Chungcheong District, and president of the Won Buddhism Newspaper. He founded Sotaesan School of Mind, collaborating with many to popularize the study of mind study. His publications include “Mind Letters from the Teachings of Sotaesan,” “Sotaesan's Mind Study,” “A Minute of Sŏn for Mindfulness and
    Timeless Sŏn.” The article published here is included in his book, “A Minute of Sŏn for Mindfulness and Timeless Sŏn.”

  • Publisher

    Mind Study (도서출판 마음공부) 
  • Publication Date


  • Pages


  • Bookbinding


  • Product Dimensions

    6.75(W) X8.30(H) X 0.65(D) inches

  • ISBN


  • Language

    Korean / English



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